About The Road Trip

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Hello! This blog will follow Alex Marino, Christina Drake, and Henry Lin as they travel from New Orleans to California and beyond. This Krewe du NOLA is a bunch of long-term volunteers who have served two or three years as Construction Assistants with Project Homecoming, the rebuilding ministry of the Presbytery of South Louisiana partnered with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. PH has built over 125 homes in the Greater New Orleans area that were affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. We are raising $30,000 before September 1st to help provide a living stipend for FIVE long-term volunteers for one year. Help to rebuild New Orleans by coming to a presentation, eating some New Orleans cookin’ and bringing more people to this blog!

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Learn more about us on NBC! Call your local NBC station and tell them you want to see "Coming Home: Hurricane Katrina 5 Years Later," a Horizon of the Spirit series program. Check out the preview on the bottom of the page.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Almost home...

Overlooking the Bryce Amphitheater just after completing a 5 mile hike through it.

Alex and I have been touring some National Parks on our return back to New Orleans, we've been frequently asked "Are they still fixing New Orleans?" or "Are they still doing that down there?"

While hiking Bryce Canyon in Utah we had a great hike met 2 others, unfortunately we never exchanged names. They helped us figure out the trails we were hiking and the more we talked, the more interested they became in what we we're doing in New Orleans. Both had visited New Orleans multiple times but they haven't been in years. It was great to see people are still concerned with the current conditions of New Orleans and perhaps peak their interest in a return trip. Of course the food, culture, and music were all talked about and those are subjects that will always be associated with New Orleans. We've all missed the crescent city in some capacity during this road trip, but our love for it has helped us throughout the our fundraising trip. That factor alone (there are many) makes the fundraising an easy task.

Please continue to follow us as our work is still not done!

- Henry

1 comment:

  1. hey friends! i cannot wait until you are back. but until then, safe travels and whatnot.

    speaking of new orleans food, you might be interested in this: NOLA is applying to be a UNESCO City of Gastronomy! fourth in the whole world, no less.

    check it out here: http://www.crescentcityfarmersmarket.org/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=253&cntnt01origid=116&cntnt01returnid=62

    cool, no?
